
Arrow keys - moves the camera

Ctrl + R - resets the world with a new generation

During my gap semester, I've experimented with the use of procedural generation and wanted to learn more about how its created for games like Minecraft. I've been able to research Perlin noise and implement it on a small scale through PICO-8.

 I've also tested the limitations of the PICO-8 engine by implementing a theoretically infinite world. If the engine (along with the player's computer) granted unlimited storage space, the world could go on infinitely. With the restriction being 2MB however, the world stops generating after approximately 80 'chunks' have been loaded. I hope to improve my program further with optimized memory use that will allow for more expansive world generation.

In the future, I plan to add player interaction with the world, a day-night cycle, mobs, item collection & inventory management, and crafting. Overall, I'm excited to watch this project unfold!

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